Actually last week when I'm still on the exam period, I got the idea to write about Tune talk. I saw an advertisement on sinchew, Tune + talk? the sign of Tune talk is a simcard written "Tune talk". yes, I get it in a second, it is a new prepaid competitor. But fine, it is just a small advertisement. It seem like Tune group din't plan to expand it's advertisement yet, may be they waiting their service on the Tune talk become more completely then the time is more suit to advertise.
CEO of Tune talk sdn. bhd., Jason Lo.
This week I saw the second advertisement on the newspaper again. The advertisement is really not huge, not plan to do much on this period yet, it is just like 'pop out' sometimes, let people know that now have the new thing come out already. Besides, I know they already expand their advertisement more frequent on the radio. Yea they started from there, and this few days they own their article stand on small part of the newspaper page(malay newspaper).
May be much of you guys don't know what is behind this co. right? Fine, I can let u all know now. Tune group is a children co. of Air Asia. sure u all know about Air Asia, but u all don't know about Tune. lols. Recently the business of Tune is Tune hotel. I think got 2 branches only, one is located at Penang island, around GeorgeTown. Another one is in KL, around Chow Kit road there. For info, the Tune Hotel got their partnership with CIMB banking. Because of their themes is the same, red and white, like Air Asia too. So, the plain wall beside Tune hotel can be use for advertising board for CIMB. It is part of the business of Tune. Tune Hotel concept is low fares, but their design for every room are different, quite special on this, u may check on its website if u wanna know more about it.
Next, I want back to the main, it is Tune Talk. Tune group built their new industry, they become one of the competitor between prepaid line. They gonna beat against Celcom, Digi, Maxis etc. Tune got its ability, they got their mothercompany behind it. But we will see how they make it on the future, success or not?
Tune talk introduce flat rate, it is common now. They are not the initial co. to do it. For phone call flat 22/sen, sms is 5 sen. This is nothing special. But, they add some additional benefit for the user, they give u RM100,000 sum assured PA insurance(accidental insurance) and accessible to choose ur own number(they can provide this because they are still new, all numbers are free to sale). TUne talk got its partnership with Air Asia, Etiqa and 99speedmart. Air Asia provide some voucher prize to them, Etiqa provide the PA insurance(the cost of PA insurance is very low only, it cost RM100+- per year only, don't misunderstand it with the life insurance, basic life insurance only may cost u monthly min about RM60 to unlimited according to the sum assured) and the speedmart I think is provide selling top up card of Tune. This is the Business relationship.
Tune talk fix it cellular service as 010.
Last but not least, Tune got their business relationship with celcom too. Celcom own some share of Tune talk.