Well! Like normally, I'm having dinner in house with two buddies, banny and big head. Today consider my turn for preparing all of the food. The first I also don't know is what vege, so forget about the name. As u know it is a vege, that's enough. lols. Banny said next time I prepare for vege can already Cuz my vege nicer than the vege prepare by them. Gan:" I thinking that may be his vege tak boleh makankah? hehe." I m not agree to all, I said my chicken and hashbrown also not bad, the both are standard, not like somebody fried untill chared. ><
So, the below photo is the chicken and hashbrown. Unfortunately, I couldn't take the time to take photo of our rice. Three rice just look like are for 3 King kong's. =]
u cook by urself a??? so geng de
ReplyDeleteknow abit la.. haha